Cedura Markteinflüsse ändern sich rasant
Customized one-time market  research analyses

A solid decision-making foundation in volatile times

We provide comprehensive market, competition, and potential customer analyses for you to confidently make the best decisions for your company and derive targeted measures.

In doing so, we identify and analyze your relevant market and provide you with tailored information, such as potentials, market participants, competitive activities, market sizes, market developments, market shares, and changes in demand.

Our services

This is what distinguishes our analyses

Individuell abgegrenzte Märkte

Relevant information

We delineate your market in detail so that you receive exclusively decisive and comparable information about your relevant market.

Datenerfassung aus mehreren Quellen

Diverse sources

We combine information from all relevant sources. This significantly increases the validity of the results.
Zielgenaue Analysen

Targeted analyses

We use our own research tools for this purpose, thus optimising the project duration and guaranteeing you targeted and flexible analyses.

Dauerhafte Aktualisierung der Daten

Continuous monitoring

We constantly update the data to be collected in order to provide you with an accurate picture of the market on a permanent basis.

Our offers in detail

The right analysis for every requirement

Marktanalysen von Cedura

Market analysis

We find answers to your questions about market entry and development by identifying and analysing market sizes, potentials and developments, market shares and market attractiveness.

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Wettbewerbsanalsen von Cedura

Competitive Analysis

For a focused competitive analysis, we provide you with competitive profiles and valid statements on market shares, competitive positions, the strategic relevance of old and new competitors, as well as strategic gaps in the competitive landscape.

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Maßgeschneiderte IT- und Prozessoptimierungs-Lösungen von Cedura

Potential customer analysis

For the systematic acquisition of new customers, we research potential customer groups and customers for you on the basis of your criteria. You define the desired depth of information. From rough overviews and key figures to needs and contact details.

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Depending on the question, we use different primary and/or secondary methods to systematically delimit, filter and link all data of the relevant market defined by you.

Data collection is done by Cedura’s research team and partly automatically by Cedura’s software products.

These use different sources, normalise and map information and validate it into clear key figures and information.

This is how we offer you tailor-made market analyses! Even in the niche! Also in detail!

analysing the relevant market

How big is the relevant market for you in terms of sales / turnover?
Where are the sales potentials?
How can it be segmented?

understanding the market

What are the regional differences?
Who are the market participants?

reliable predictions

How is the market developing?
Which trends can be expected?
How are the impulse markets and customer industries developing?

Prior to the offer

We check every customer request in detail for feasibility before submitting an offer

Dauerhafte Aktualisierung der Daten


The market definition, segmentation and in-scope definition of the client after the initial briefing serves as input.

Cedura uses a quick-check to determine the availability of information in the defined market segments and checks the content, e.g. identification of sources along market trends, industry developments, customer needs, competitive activities and metrics, technology trends etc.

Umfassende Informationen für alle Abteilungen


Presentation of the results of the quick check and joint decision on any necessary adaptation and prioritisation of the desired market information.

This is followed by the clear definition of the market segments to be considered and the creation of a catalogue of criteria for the rough evaluation of the market segments.

This also includes the definition of an individual evaluation method. (e.g. customer parameters, sector affiliation, locations, product requirements, competitive intensity, market shares, market sizes, market potentials…)

Datenerfassung aus mehreren Quellen


Based on the information defined in the catalogue of criteria, Cedura prepares the concept, roadmap and offer for the market analysis.

Decision-making certainty for the client through the receipt of a quality-checked offer.

Always be one step ahead

How can you make the safest possible business decisions in an intransparent market situation, with structural market changes and numerous competitors ?

Depending on the question, we use different primary and/or secondary methods to systematically delimit, filter and link all data of the relevant market defined by you.

Data collection is done by Cedura’s research team and partly automatically by Cedura’s software products.

These use different sources, normalise and map information and validate it into unique metrics and information.

In this way, we offer you tailor-made competitive profiles and analyses in comparison to your company and your project.



analysing competitors

Who are your competitors?
What role do they play in different market segments?
Where do they have which market shares?

competitors on the market

How do the competitors market their services?
With which product and service portfolio do they compete?
How do the competitors present themselves?

observing market development

Which trends can be identified?
What are the strategic developments?
What news is there?

Prior to the offer

We check every customer request in detail for feasibility before submitting an offer

Dauerhafte Aktualisierung der Daten


The market definition, segmentation and in-scope definition of the client after the initial briefing serves as input.

Cedura uses a quick-check to determine the availability of information in the defined market segments and checks the content, e.g. identification of sources along market trends, industry developments, customer needs, competitive activities and metrics, technology trends etc.

Umfassende Informationen für alle Abteilungen


Presentation of the results of the quick check and joint decision on any necessary adaptation and prioritisation of the desired market information.

This is followed by the clear definition of the market segments to be considered and the creation of a catalogue of criteria for the rough evaluation of the market segments.

This also includes the definition of an individual evaluation method. (e.g. customer parameters, sector affiliation, locations, product requirements, competitive intensity, market shares, market sizes, market potentials…)

Datenerfassung aus mehreren Quellen


Based on the information defined in the catalogue of criteria, Cedura prepares the concept, roadmap and offer for the market analysis.

Decision-making certainty for the client through the receipt of a quality-checked offer.


Customer needs, product requirements and technologies are changing rapidly. Find new customer sectors and potential customers through a structured potential analysis.

Depending on the question, we use different primary and/or secondary methods to systematically delimit, filter and link all data of the relevant sales market defined by you.

Data collection is done by Cedura’s research team and partly automatically by Cedura’s software products.

These use different sources, normalise and map information and validate it into clear key figures and information.

In this way, we find individual potential customers for you, insights and analyse the needs in comparison with your company’s offer and your plans. This is how you can optimise your sales activities.

understanding the demands

In which sales sectors are my products and services needed?
How high is the demand where?
How do technological changes influence the demand situation?

find new customers

What are the requirements of potential new customers?
How can we find new customers by adapting our portfolio?
Who and where are potential customers with what needs?

Learn from market leaders

Who are today’s market leaders and niche suppliers and who do they supply?
What is the organisation of these companies?
Which contact persons are there?

Prior to the offer

We check every customer request in detail for feasibility before submitting an offer

Dauerhafte Aktualisierung der Daten


The market definition, segmentation and in-scope definition of the client after the initial briefing serves as input.

Cedura uses a quick-check to determine the availability of information in the defined market segments and checks the content, e.g. identification of sources along market trends, industry developments, customer needs, competitive activities and metrics, technology trends etc.

Umfassende Informationen für alle Abteilungen


Presentation of the results of the quick check and joint decision on any necessary adaptation and prioritisation of the desired market information.

This is followed by the clear definition of the market segments to be considered and the creation of a catalogue of criteria for the rough evaluation of the market segments.

This also includes the definition of an individual evaluation method. (e.g. customer parameters, sector affiliation, locations, product requirements, competitive intensity, market shares, market sizes, market potentials…)

Datenerfassung aus mehreren Quellen


Based on the information defined in the catalogue of criteria, Cedura prepares the concept, roadmap and offer for the market analysis.

Decision-making certainty for the client through the receipt of a quality-checked offer.

What our customers say

We thank and appreciate the trust of our customers